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Garden style cascading bridal bouquet


Trust our certified floral designer to provide elegant personals, arrangements and installations for your special event. Please fill out our brief event questionnaire HERE to ensure we provide accurate pricing and services needed. We will contact you to arrange a free consultation.


We offer single arrangement design for delivery during major floral holidays including Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.


If you are an event florist or farmer and seek a freelance designer or harvester, we supplement our workload as a subcontractor.



Phone: 518.852.8632

Address: Slingerlands, NY 12159




  • single arrangement delivery region shown in purple

  • event design delivery radius in pink


delivery range is approximate. Contact us with precise location information to determine if we are able to deliver to you.

delivery area of Anemone Floral Design, Albany, NY
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